Revised September 2012


The name of this organization shall be The Haywood County Democratic Women.


The objectives of this organization shall be:

1. To support the principles of the Democratic Party.

2. To work for the election of Democratic Party candidates and to lend support to all democratic elected officials.

3. To initiate and carry out programs and projects on behalf of the Democratic Party candidates and Democratic elected officials.

4. To encourage able Democratic women to seek public office and to participate in Democratic Party activities.


Any Haywood County woman who is a registered Democrat and who pledges herself to the principles of the Democratic Party and to work for the election of Democratic Party candidates shall be eligible for membership in this organization.


Sec. 1. The officers of this organization shall be the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian and Historian. The offices shall constitute the Executive Committee.

Sec. 2 The President may invite Committee Chairwomen to attend Executive Committee Sessions when she deems it necessary.

Sec. 3 The between-meeting business of this organization shall be entrusted to the Executive Committee. The proceedings of this committee shall be presented for Approval at the organization's next regular meeting.

Sec. 4 In odd numbered years, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at the October meeting which shall present a slate of officers at the November meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor.

Sec. 5 Officers shall be elected every two years in November and shall assume their Respective offices at the ensuing January meeting.


Sec. 1 At any regular meeting or properly publicized called meeting of this organization, the members present shall constitute a quorum.

Sec. 2 A majority of the Executive Committee must be present at any meeting of the Executive Committee to constitute a quorum.


Sec. 1 The standing committees shall be as follows: Program, Membership, Communications and Publicity.

Sec. 2 The First Vice-President shall chair the Membership Committee. The second VicePresident shall chair the Communications Committee. The third-Vice President shall chair the Program Committee.

Sec. 3 Any special committees may be appointed when and as the President deems them necessary.


Sec. 1 All monies collected in the name of the Haywood County Democratic Women shall be turned over to the Treasurer to be deposited in an account designated The Haywood County Democratic Women.

Sec. 2 Monies other than the regular accepted expenditures may be dispersed only by a Majority vote of the members present.

Sec. 3 All disbursements shall be by check and shall bear the signature of the Treasurer and President.

Sec. 4 Monies shall be dispensed for the local President or her representative to attend The North Carolina Democratic Women's Convention and the Region I Democratic Women's Annual Meeting. These monies shall consist of Registration fees only.


Sec. 1 A proposed amendment to the Constitution By-Laws must be presented in written form to the Executive Committee.

Sec. 2 At the next regular or called meeting of the organization, the proposed amendment shall be presented to the membership for consideration.

Sec. 3 At the following regular or called meeting of the organization, a majority vote of the members present shall be necessary for the adoption of the amendment.


Sec. 1 Vacancies arising on the Executive Committee shall be filled by a majority vote of the members present at a regular or called meeting of the organization. An office so elected shall serve out the term of her predecessor.

Sec. 2 If an officer fails to perform the duties of her office, the Executive Committee may declare the office vacant, the vacancy to be filled as provided by in Article IX, Section 1.


The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the organization in cases in which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws.


The fiscal year of this organization shall run from January 1st through December 31st.



Sec. 1 This organization shall meet each month on the third Thursday of each month, the time and place to be specified by the Executive Committee.

Sec. 2 The meeting time shall be changed by the Executive Committee or be a vote of the membership.

Sec. 3 Special meetings or cancellations may be called by President, by a majority vote of the Executive Committee or upon written request of twenty members of the organization.

Sec. 4 Business can be conducted at any meeting for which proper advanced notification of three days has been given. Business can be conducted at regular monthly meetings - third Thursday of each month.


Sec. 1 The dues of this organization shall be yearly and paid as follows: $10.00 - Basic membership, $20.00 - Contributing membership, $30.00 - Special membership. Payment of dues should be by check.

Sec. 2 Membership dues for each new year are due by the March meeting, but will be accepted through August of that year.


Sec. 1 PRESIDENT: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the organization and Executive Committee, to appoint Standing Committee Chairwomen, to represent the organization at any outside meetings, to serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and together with the Secretary sign all contracts. She shall further perform such other duties as may be necessary for the proper functioning of the organization.

Sec. 2 FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: The First Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence or at her request. She shall also serve as chairwoman of the Membership Committee.

Sec. 3 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: The Second Vice-President shall assume the duties of the First Vice-President in her absence or at her request and shall chair the Publicity and Communications Committee.

Sec. 4 THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT: The Third Vice-President shall assume the duties of the Second Vice-President in her absence or at her request, and shall chair the Program Committee.

Sec. 5 SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the organization and Executive Committee meetings, keep a current and updated roster of members and sign all contracts together with the President. She shall handle all official correspondence under the direction of the President.

Sec. 6 TREASURER: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and deposit all organization monies to the account of The Haywood County Democratic Women. She shall record all receipts and disbursements and make a bi-monthly report to the Chapter. She shall file reports to the N. C. Board of Elections as required. She shall keep the Secretary and Chapter members informed of members in good standing. Upon completion of her term, she shall transfer all records to the Historian.

Sec. 7 PARLIAMENTARIAN: It shall be the duty of the Parliamentarian to see that Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the organization when cases are applicable. This office can be elected or appointed.

Sec. 8 HISTORIAN: The Historian shall receive and file all records and reports of outgoing officers. She shall serve as custodian for any clippings and documents of historical interest. This office can be elected or appointed.